Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Betty Rendel Scholarship

The National Federation of Republican Women established the Betty Rendel Scholarship Fund in September 1995 in honor of NFRW Past President Betty Rendel's extraordinary leadership skills and dedication to the Republican Party in her home state of Indiana, as well as at the national level. The three annual scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to female undergraduates who are majoring in political science, government or economics and have successfully completed at least two years of college coursework. The recipients are chosen from applicants from across the nation. Scholarship winners may not reapply.

Contact your local club president for an application or go online to "www.nfrw.org", click on "Programs", "Scholarship & Internships", then "Rendel Application (PDF, 5 pages)"

Deadline: Applications due to State Federation Presidents by JUNE 1.

WVFRW President, Gladys Lemley, 1106 16th Street, Vienna, WVa 26105