Federation of West Virginia Republican Women's Clubs Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women
Monday, December 31, 2012
The Year of 2013
May God bless each Republican Women's Club as we strive to promote conservative values and have a positive impact on our communities.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Oath of Office Ceremony-Supreme Court of Appeals of W.Va.
Justice Allen Loughry and Gladys Lemley
W.V.F.R.W. President, Gladys Lemley, accepted the invitation to attend the Oath of Office Ceremony of "The Honorable Allen H. Loughry II, Justice. The event took place today in the Supreme Court of the East Wing, State Capitol. A reception followed. What a special event. West Virginia will benefit greatly from this young man.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln
"Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I desire to be observed by all my fellow-citizens, wherever they may be then, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the beneficent Creator and Ruler of the Universe. And I do further recommend to my fellow-citizens aforesaid, that on the occasion they do reverently humble themselves in the dust, and from thence offer up penitent and fervent prayers and supplications to the great Disposer of events for a return of the inestimable blessings of peace, union, and harmony throughout the land which it has pleased Him to assign as a dwelling-place for ourselves and for our posterity throughout all generations."
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving... be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. Psalm 100:4
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Veterans Day........Thank you
A heart-felt "Thank You" to ALL the men and women who have served and continue to serve this great nation.
May God bless the United States of America.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
CLUB SPOTLIGHT-Huntington Cabell Republican Women
H.C.R.W. Project Coordinator, Anne Dandelet & H.C.R.W. President, Anne Hildebrand
Huntington Cabell Republican Women donated bags to foster children Thursday, October 25, 2012.
Local children will have a brand new way to carry their belongings. The Republican Women's club put together over a hundred new carry bags for foster kids. The "Carry on Campaign" donates bags and personal items to foster children who may need to go to another home. Each bag had items like combs, shampoo, and personal items for them to keep. Organizers say its their way of giving back to the community.
Keep up the good work ladies as you have a positive affect on your local community!
This event was covered by Ben Moore, Newsgatherer for W.O.W.K.-T.V., News 13 Charleston and Huntington, West Virginia. Ben can be reached at bmoore@wowktv.com
Original story can be found at:
Huntington Cabell Republican Women donated bags to foster children Thursday, October 25, 2012.
Local children will have a brand new way to carry their belongings. The Republican Women's club put together over a hundred new carry bags for foster kids. The "Carry on Campaign" donates bags and personal items to foster children who may need to go to another home. Each bag had items like combs, shampoo, and personal items for them to keep. Organizers say its their way of giving back to the community.
Keep up the good work ladies as you have a positive affect on your local community!
This event was covered by Ben Moore, Newsgatherer for W.O.W.K.-T.V., News 13 Charleston and Huntington, West Virginia. Ben can be reached at bmoore@wowktv.com
Original story can be found at:
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fall Board in Barboursville, W.Va.
W.V.F.R.W. President, Gladys Lemley (Wood Co. RW)
2012 Lady Ambassadors: Ronda Falk (Fayette Co. RW), Karen Evans (Gateway RW), Nancy Bradley (Putnam Co. RW), Mary Ann Osborne (Wood Co. RW), Iva Danner (Putnam Co. RW), and Gladys Lemley (Wood Co. RW)
Betty Ireland, Maggie's List Board of Directors-WV (Kanawaha Co. RW)
WV National Committeewoman, Melody Potter (Kanawaha Co. RW)
Rick Snuffer, GOP Candidate for Congress, 3rd District, WV
Sharon Maloney, wife of Gubernatorial candidate, Bill Maloney
Shirley Leonhardt, wife of WV Commissioner of Agriculture candidate, Kent Leonhardt
Delegate Troy Andes, Putnam County
Author, Karna Small Bodman & WV GOP Chair, Conrad Lucas
WVFRW members met on Friday evening for dinner at Logan's. It is always a good time of food and fellowship before the events begin!
2012 Lady Ambassadors: Ronda Falk (Fayette Co. RW), Karen Evans (Gateway RW), Nancy Bradley (Putnam Co. RW), Mary Ann Osborne (Wood Co. RW), Iva Danner (Putnam Co. RW), and Gladys Lemley (Wood Co. RW)
Betty Ireland, Maggie's List Board of Directors-WV (Kanawaha Co. RW)
WV National Committeewoman, Melody Potter (Kanawaha Co. RW)
Rick Snuffer, GOP Candidate for Congress, 3rd District, WV
Sharon Maloney, wife of Gubernatorial candidate, Bill Maloney
Shirley Leonhardt, wife of WV Commissioner of Agriculture candidate, Kent Leonhardt
Delegate Troy Andes, Putnam County
Author, Karna Small Bodman & WV GOP Chair, Conrad Lucas
WVFRW members met on Friday evening for dinner at Logan's. It is always a good time of food and fellowship before the events begin!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Fall Board Guest Speaker-Karna Small Bodman
Karna is a bestselling author whose novels have hit "#1 in Thrillers" on Amazon. Her latest novel, CASTLE BRAVO is her 4th and is dubbed an international thriller. In this one, as in all her novels, she weaves many of her White House experiences and settings into the story....scenes in the Situation Room, the Oval Office, Georgetown restaurants as well as exotic locations overseas. Her different careers give her a unique perspective on the press, the government and international affairs - as you can see from her background:
She began her career in San Francisco as a TV news reporter and anchor first for KRON-TV and then KGO-TV. She later moved to Washington, DC to anchor the Ten O’clock news on Channel 5, host a nationally syndicated program on business and economic issues as well as a three-hour news/talk radio show.
When Ronald Reagan was elected President, he stood in front of Blair House and named Jim Brady as his Press Secretary with Karna as Jim’s Deputy. She had almost daily meetings with the President and traveled on Air Force One. She was also sent to South America and the Far East to give speeches to government, business and student groups on the President’s economic priorities.
Next, she was named Senior Director and spokesman for the National Security Council. She attended arms control talks with the Soviets and traveled with the team that briefed the leaders of Great Britain, France and Italy as well as Pope John Paul II. Those were “evil empire” days, so it was a unique experience to chat with the Soviet Union’s General Secretary Gorbachev at that first Summit meeting in Geneva.
When Karna left The White House to become Senior Vice President of a Public Affairs firm, she was the highest ranking woman on The White House staff.
By now, she had written TV news scripts, briefing papers for the President, newspaper columns and magazine articles, but she had always wanted to write novels. She hopes you will enjoy her new thriller, CASTLE BRAVO as well as CHECKMATE, GAMBIT, FINAL FINESSE,and her short story, THE AGENT. She is currently working on #5, AFFAIRS OF STATE.
On a personal note, she is married to Dick Bodman -- they maintain homes in Naples, Florida, Washington, DC and Rancho Santa Fe, CA.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The West Virginia Federation of Republican Women's Fall Board Meeting is almost here.
WHEN: October 13, 2012
WHERE: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites, 3551 US Route 60E, Barboursville, WV
TIME: General session begins at 9:00 a.m. with registration at 8:00 a.m.
LODGING: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites - 304.733.3338 (Call for reservations). Double Room=$95 + 12% tax=$106.40. Reservations are under WV Federation of Republican Women and must be made by September 28.
TIME: General session begins at 9:00 a.m. with registration at 8:00 a.m.
REGISTRATION FEE: $35.00 which includes continental breakfast & luncheon. Must be received by October 8, 2012. Mail payment (checks payable to "HCRW") to Mrs. Lois Merritt, H.C.R.W. Treasurer, 850 Hibner Avenue, Huntington, WV 25705/304.523.3117, lmerritt@aol.com
From Charleston-I-64 toward Huntington. Take East Mall Road (Exit 20). At end of ramp, take LEFT towards Barboursville. Get int he RIGHT land end go past Sheetz. You will come to an intersection Rt. 60 - go RIGHT at light and the entrance of the Holiday Inn is across from Tri-King Cut Rate Tobacco. If you come to a light for the W. Mall Road, you have gone too far.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Save the date - Fall Board
WHAT: Fall Board
WHEN: October 13, 2012
WHERE: Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, 3551 US Route 60E,Barboursville, WV 25504
304-733-3338 Fax 304-733-3347. Rooms are $95.00 a night with a 12%tax added to the base price. Reservations are under WV Federation of Republican Women. All reservations need to be made by September 28.
WHO: All W.V.F.R.W. members
HOST: Huntington Cabell Republican Women
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day - A Brief History Lest We Forget
In 1868, three years after the Civil War ended, Decoration Day was established as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. May 30th was chosen for the official date probably because flowers would be in bloom at that time all over the country.
The first official National observance was held that year at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. Various Washington officials presided over the ceremonies, which included many speeches, after which people walked through the cemetery, laying flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns.
Similar rituals are known to have been held before this official observance. Springtime tributes to the Civil War dead already had been held in various places as early as 1866. Women visited cemeteries to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. They may have called this ceremony something other than Decoration Day, but the observances were similar.
Approximately 25 cemeteries claim to be the official origin of Decoration Day. Some of these observances were big events with flags at half-staff and businesses closed, while others were smaller events with just the quiet laying of flowers at the graves.
As the 20th Century rolled in, Decoration Day was being observed on May 30th throughout the nation. Through the years, the name Decoration Day slowly started changing to Memorial Day, as we know it today. State legislatures started passed proclamations designating the day an official holiday, and the military adopted regulations for proper observance at their facilities.
So far, Memorial Day observances were only honoring Civil War dead. However, World War I came and all that changed, and the honors were extended to the war dead of World War I, as well.
In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a National holiday and included Memorial Day in the Union Holidays Bill, moving many federal holidays to be observed on a Monday named during a month, rather than on a particular day. So now Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May rather than on May 30th.
The importance of Memorial Day is best expressed in the words of General Logan in his 1868 orders to his men urging them, and us, to remember with reverence our war dead:
“We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”
Today, at the Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, you will see thousands of people placing small American flags on each grave — a tradition followed at many cemeteries around the country.
In December 2000, Congress passed “The National Moment of Remembrance Act, which encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation.
Please take a moment to remember the brave men and women of our military who have served and sacrificed, sometimes with their life.
Friday, April 27, 2012
WVFRW President Visits Tyler County RW
WVFRW President, Gladys Lemley, made an official visit to Tyler County Republican Women on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at the Friendship Center in Middlebourne, W.Va. She brought greetings from the National Federation as well as from the West Virginia Federation of Republican Women. Information was shared to assist the club in its activities and events. She thanked the ladies for their efforts and encouraged them to continue their hard work in promoting conservative values in their county.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
WVFRW Spring Board
WVFRW President, Gladys Lemley (Wood Co. RW)
NFRW, 3rd Vice-President, Betty Poe (Greenville Co. RW, South Carolina)
West Virginia National Committeewoman, Donna Gosney
WVFRW Lady Ambassadors: Mary Ann Osborne (Wood Co. RW), Nancy Bradley (Putnam Co. RW), Gladys Lemley (Wood Co. RW), Eva Kay Cardea (Kanawaha Co. RW), Iva Danner (Putnam Co. RW), Tess Amberson-Caho (Gateway RW), Mary Jane Getz (Gateway RW), & Ronda Falk (Fayette Co. RW)
WVFRW Club Presidents: Ritta Willis (Kanawha Co. RW), Anne Hildebrand (Huntington Cabell RW), Ronda Falk (Fayette Co. RW), Karen Evans (Gateway RW), Nancy Bradley (Putnam Co. RW) & Deidre Lake(Wood Co. RW)
Republican Women from all over this GREAT state joined together at the Sleepy Hollow Golf Club, Hurricane, WV. The jam-packed meeting on April 21, 2012 was hosted by the Putnam County Republican Women. Almost every club was represented as information was shared, networking took place, training of members as well as time to get to know several candidates who attended.
Information about our common identification, motivation and ? was shared by NFRW, 3rd Vice President, Betty Poe, who hailes from South Carolina. She encouraged those present to go back to our local communites and work diligently to change the leadership of our state and elect Republicans to office. The history of the Stubblefield Bowl as shared and the Bowl was on display. It will be maintained and used by the Federation and clubs of the Federation for special events. All members received packets upon arrived filled with President reports and other items to equip us to be more effective at all we do. Donna Gosney, WV National Committeewomen share information from the RNC regarding some rules and the platform. She also presented a program on "Tators."
Time to meet and make connections with ladies throughout the state was enjoyed. Business cards were exchanged as well as email addresses to help support each other in our various positions and events to change the direction of our towns, counties and our state.
The WVFRW President, along with Betty Poe, recognized the Club Presidents present and presented them with a "NFRW Club President" pin. The WVFRW Lady Ambassadors were also recognized for their financial support to the Federation.
Workshops were held to provide training for current club presidents on "Club Presidents-Responsibilities" as well as one for the club treasurers-"Tresure Chest of Resources." They were experienced by all present so as to make all members informed of the various items of these positions so they will be prepared to step up and fill them in the future.
Several Candidates were present to meet with and speak to the group:
INCUMBENTS-Senator Donna Boley (3rd Senatorial District) , Delegate Anna Border (9th District)
CANDIDATES-Bill Maloney (WV Governor), Patrick Morrisey (WV Attorney General), Steve Connolly (WV Treasurer), Brian Savilla (WV Secretary of State), Diane Bartley for House (48th District), Pam Brush for House (63rd District), Joyce Holland for House (17th District), Robein Holstein for House (36th District) as well as 2 people seeking the Chairman of the WV GOP-Bob Adams and Conrad Lucas.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Betsy Gerber-Candidate for Delegate at Large to the Republican National Convention

I am running “uncommitted” on the ballot. This may be slightly misleading since I am with all of my strength and belief committed to the Republican Candidate who will remove Barrack Obama from office. Our nation can no longer afford the conflict that appears to be the goal of this man. We are a proud Nation Under God and must strive to remain a Nation Undivided. We will always have differences, but must maintain respect and good will for our fellow Americans. We must be committed first and foremost to our own citizens and protect them physically and financially.
If I had been sure at filing time of the Best Candidate to defeat our current President, I would have shared that commitment. I hope this fact sheet will give you some feeling of who I am and why I ask you for one of your precious votes.
-Maiden Name – Elizabeth W. Daniel
-Married to Michael W. Gerber 46 Years
-Graduate of Marshall University 1962
-Member Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
-Co-Owner of Cousins LLC Antiques and Collectibles, also providing Estate Sale Services
-Registered to vote as a Republican as soon as eligible to vote
-Ran on the Republican ticket for House of Delegates at age 21 when a Senior at Marshall University
-Worked as Deputy to a Republican County Clerk for 4 years
-Served as a Deputy for a Republican Sheriff for 4+ years
-Served as County Administrator for a Republican County Commission 4+ years
-Served as Deputy Assistant for Personnel in the Office of Governor Cecil Underwood
-Member of the Republican State Executive Committee twice
-Chairman Cabell County Republican Executive Committee twice
-Member of Young Republicans at local and state levels
-Member of the Huntington Cabell Republican Women since 1962
-Recipient of the State Young Republicans “Priscilla Humphreys Service Award”
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Betty Rendel Scholarship

The National Federation of Republican Women established the Betty Rendel Scholarship Fund in September 1995 in honor of NFRW Past President Betty Rendel's extraordinary leadership skills and dedication to the Republican Party in her home state of Indiana, as well as at the national level. The three annual scholarships of $1,000 are awarded to female undergraduates who are majoring in political science, government or economics and have successfully completed at least two years of college coursework. The recipients are chosen from applicants from across the nation. Scholarship winners may not reapply.
Contact your local club president for an application or go online to "www.nfrw.org", click on "Programs", "Scholarship & Internships", then "Rendel Application (PDF, 5 pages)"
Deadline: Applications due to State Federation Presidents by JUNE 1.
WVFRW President, Gladys Lemley, 1106 16th Street, Vienna, WVa 26105
Sunday, April 8, 2012
National Pathfinder Scholarship

The National Federation of Republican Women established the National Pathfinder Scholarship Fund in 1985 in honor of First Lady Nancy Reagan. The three annual scholarships of $2,500 provide financial assistance and support to women seeking undergraduate or graduate degrees. Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors, as well as students enrolled in a master's degree program, are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Recent high school graduates and undergraduate freshmen are not eligible. Scholarship winners may not reapply.
For an application contact your local club or go online to "nfrw.org" click on Programs, then Scholarships & Internships to find the Pathfinder Application (PDF-6 pages).
Deadline: Applications due to State Federation Presidents by JUNE 1.
WVFRW President, Gladys Lemley, 1106 16th Street, Vienna, WV 26105
Saturday, February 25, 2012
WVFRW Spring Board 2012

Guest Speaker, Betty Poe, NFRW 3rd-Vice President, Region 8
Mark your calendars ladies and plan now to attend our semi-annual meeting for Republican Women all over the great state of West Virginia! Our host will be Putnam County Republican Women. The Theme is "Spirit of America."
WHEN: April 20-21, 2012
WHERE: Sleepy Hollow Golf Club
GUEST SPEAKER: Betty Poe, NFRW 3rd Vice President
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Brian Savilla, Candidate for WV Secretary of State
REGISTRATION FEE: $35.00/payble to "PCRW" & due by April 14, 2012
Send to : Jane Anne Reed, PCRW Treasurer, 102 Fox Run,
Hurricane, WV 25526-9267
REGISTRATION: 8:00 a.m. with General Session to begin at 9:00 a.m. on April 21
LODGING: Hampton Inn, 4190 State Rt. 34, Hurricane, WV 304-760-7292 (call for reservation & state WVFRW)/Room Rate (Double Room) - $81.00 + 6% tax/Continental breakfast/must reserve by April 14, 2012
MISC: WVFRW Executive Meeting is April 20 at 7:00 p.m. Hampton Inn Conference Room (dinner at Fireside Grille at 5:30 p.m.)
Monday, February 20, 2012
WV Republican Women's Day @ the Legislature
Senator Donna Boley (Pleasants County)-3rd District





Annually, Senator Donna Boley & Carolyn Dawson host an event for the "Women in Red" to attend. Almost 40 Republican Women from all over West Virginia traveled to the state capitol today for this special day. A continential breakfast greeted everyone in the Governor's Conference Room. After a time of registration and networking, the ladies posed for a photo on the Senate Floor, followed by attending the Senate session where we were introduced and welcomed in the gallery. Senate Bill 343 (would allow a grace period for fire departments to submit data to the State Fire Marshall. The State Fire Marshall would also be required to give notice to the fire department as to the dates of the grace period) was passed while we were present. Lunch was held in the food court of the capitol.
Many came to speak to the ladies: Senator Mike Hall (Putnam Co.), Senator David Nohe (Wood Co.), Del. Tim Armstead (Kanawha Co/Dist. 32), Del. Anna Border (Wood Co/Dist. 9), Del. Mitch Carmichael (Jackson Co/Dist. 12), Wood Ireland (Ritchie Co/Dist. 7), De. Carol Miller (Cabell Co/Dist. 15), Del. Rick Snuffer (Raleigh Co/Dist. 27), and Del. Kelli Sobonya (Cabell Co/Dist. 16).
Candidates included: John Raese for U.S. Congress, Bill Maloney for Governor, Allen Loughry for WV Supreme Court, Jim Butler for House of Del. in Mason County, Robin Holstein for House of Del. in Kanawha County, and Suzette Raines for House of Delegates in Kanawha County.
The days' events are successful at energizing our groups to get busy and work harder to achieve our goals. May we all do our part to "Paint our county red" in order to make West Virginia a "Red State in 2012!"
Senators & Delegates present:
Delegate Tim Armstead (Kanawha County)
Delegate Mitch Carmichael (Jackson County)

Senator Mike Hall (Putnam County)
Delegate Woody Ireland (Ritchie County)
Delegate Carol Miller (Cabell County)
Delegate Kelli Sobonya (Cabell County)
Candidates Present:

John Raese for U.S. Congress
Allen Loughry for West Virginia Supreme Court
Bill Maloney for West Virginia Governor
Jim Butler for House of Delegates - Mason County
Robin Holstein for House of Delegates - Kanawha County
Suzette Raines for House of Delegates - Kanawha County