Putnam County Republican Women hosted a Festive Fall Board Meeting (WVFRW) October 3rd & 4th, 2008. The meeting was held at the Sleepy Hollow Golf Club in Hurricane, West Virginia. Putnam County President Nancy Bradley (in photo above left, with fellow club member Iva Danner) was on hand at all times, along with fellow club members, to provide welcome greetings and big smiles for all.
Donna Lou Gosney was featured speaker for the meeting. Donna is GOP National Committeewoman for the State of West Virginia. At one point, federation members had Donna surrounded by baskets brought in by the clubs for a fundraiser auction to benefit WVFRW.
WVFRW President Betty Bailey presided over the meeting. On the agenda for the afternoon was Lady Ambassador Recognition. Lady Ambassadors are members who contribute at least $50 to WVFRW during the award year.
Iva Danner (Putnam RW), Nancy Myers (Gateway RW), Ronda Falk (Fayette RW), Beverly Lund (Beckley), Jo Slaughter and Vera McCormick (Kanawha RW), and Betty Bailey (Pleasants Co RW). In photo below, from left to right are the Lady Ambassadors present for the meeting: Betty Bailey, Ronda Falk, Nancy Myers, and Iva Danner.
President Betty Bailey also recognized the Outstanding Club Women for 2008. These women are selected by participating clubs. They are: Louise Suder (Central RW); Lydia Parton (Gateway RW); Betty Ireland (Kanawha RW); Lucille Satterfgield (Pleasants RW); Iva Danner (Putnam RW); Gertie Archer (Tyler RW); Jerry Henderson (Upshur RW); and Deidre Lake (Wood RW). In photo below, from left to right are the Outstanding Club Women present for the meeting: Deidre Lake (Wood Co RW); Iva Danner (Putnam Co RW); Lydia Partin (Gateway RW); and Louise Suder (Central RW). More pictures from the Fall Meeting: President Betty Bailey and Vice President Beverly Lockhart (below):
Below, Laura Hayes, Secretary: Below: Vice President Beverly Lockhart (left) & Ronda Falk, Treasurer:
Enjoying the meeting:
More Baskets for Auction: Sleepy Hollow Golf Course: Sleepy Hollow Greetings!!
WVFRW members are looking forward to the Spring Board Meeting. It is to be hosted by Central WV Republican Women, LeVera Gillum, President. An invitation to the meeting will be posted here when available. All Republican Women are welcome to attend and enjoy the fellowship! Meanwhile, be sure to join your local club!